First thing I want to say is that I've been watching this show since it came out. It has definitely shed some light on the ancient astronaut theory, but its also made me question the so called experts. Tonight's new episode was about ancient monoliths and they're creation. The stone balls (Yes I know some of us are two and laughing so very hard.) that are found in the jungles of South America and other places around the world were tested and it was discovered that they were melted down to a liquid form and then cooled in to the shape of these stones. Of course all of this before the these processes were really discovered. So the big question is, who made these?
Their next theory, one that had been described on numerous occasions throughout the shows existence, is that of all of the obelisks found round the world. The theory states that they exist to distribute energy around the world. On a moon of mars there is a strange seemingly unnatural structure that, due to the shadows bouncing off of it, give it the shape of an obelisk which is made by intelligent life, not just coincidence. Could they really be part of an energy source thousands of years old? Personally I believe anything is possible, and the fact that the crafting of the stone balls in uninhibited parts of the world throws up flags and says to me there is something more to them than just balls in the jungle. As for the obelisk, well I would have to see more proof that that is what those are actually used for, but as I said, anything is possible. So what does everyone think? Please leave your comments below.

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